/Achira Nokthet
在僧人Nong、First和Balloon完成他们承诺的任务并且赢得与Nak Nont的鬼魂的战斗之后,Thamma Nakanimitr寺庙恢复了往日的平静。这三个僧人希望过上平静的僧侣生活,但是不就之后,有一些事情发生了,僧人Balloon和First偷偷地收拾行李并在半夜离开了这座寺庙。僧人Nong与新来的僧人Nott和Odd一起留在了这座鬼魂出没的寺庙里。 过了一段时间,又发生另一个意想不到的转折:Balloo和First再次回到被摧毁、折磨的寺庙,而且感到非常震惊。在他们离开这座寺庙回归想要的世俗生活之后,却又一个新的鬼魂追赶恐吓他们,而且非常咄咄逼人,所以他们决定再回来寺庙寻找僧侣的庇护——没有一个僧侣可以毫发无损地厉害——这两个男孩正面临着另一场混乱。 剧照 剧照(7张) 尽管这个新的鬼魂一直困扰着他们,但是最后有一个希望,当Balloon和First遇到一个准备去同一个寺庙受戒的韩国-泰国歌手Toh Min-jun。为什么这座寺庙的僧侣不可能安然无恙地离开呢?2个同性朋友Balloon和 First是否能够再次生存到受戒的那一天?
/Stuart Gordon
Stuart Gordon, considered a master of the horror genre thanks to classics like Re-Animator and Dagon, decides to do a different move in this strange trip to human morals. "King of the Ants" is about a regular guy, Sean Crawley(newcomer Chris McKenna), a man without any aspiration who just live in his apartment doing the necessary job to live to the next day. In one of his jobs he meets Duke(Gearge Wendt), who introduces Sean to his boss, Ray Matthews(played by Daniel Baldwin). Ray hires Sean as a spy, and orders him to follow Eric Gatlin(Roy Livingstone), an accountant who has been investigating Ray's company. Problems start when Ray, while drunk, orders Sean to kill Eric. And he does it. Things go wrong when Ray decides to make Sean disappear destroying his mind with violent punishment and humiliation. From the point where Sean kills Eric, we go in the same boat with him, as he goes through a downward spiral of human degradation, traveling from guilt, to confusion and finally to his rebirth, in a state where humanity, morals and values are not important anymore. Chris McKenna acting is very important because he manages to be likable even when he is part of gruesome acts, both as victim and/or criminal. He has that look of innocence that hides a dark side and he manages to carry the film. The support cast also includes Kari Wuhrer, as Eric's widow who also becomes a central part of Sean's trip to hell. She gives a fine performance, although it's obvious that Sean is the main character. He is the most developed of all and McKenna's performance is up to the challenge. The film has very disturbing images of violence, and while it may not be as graphic as "Kill Bill" for example, the strength of the violence is in the lack of humanity that the character manifest. He is more than an ant in this world. He is the king. Stuart Gordon has managed to create a film that, while maybe it's not one of his best efforts; it's very well done, has a VERY interesting story to tell, and manages to capture the attention every second of it.
本剧根据亚瑟王与魔法师梅林的故事改编,由BBC威尔士电视台与Shine影视公司共同出品。 在梅林(科林·摩根 Colin Morgan 饰)成为了降龙者的一年后,乌瑟派遣亚瑟率领军队搜寻莫根娜的下落,而把莫根娜带回了卡美洛王国。而此时的莫根娜已不再是从前的莫根娜了,她如今已是安插在卡美洛王国内的奸细,企图削弱卡美洛王国的核心势力及杀死乌瑟。莫根娜邪恶的计划屡次被梅林阻止,而在无形中成为了梅林的对手。再一次偶然的事故中得知了她其实是乌瑟的亲生女儿,有权推翻乌瑟及亚瑟来继承卡美洛王国的王位,在姐姐莫高斯的帮助下,莫根娜利用各种手段企图陷害亚瑟等人,而亚瑟的未来以及王国的未来将陷入水深火热之中……
/Miryam Charles
Bridgeport, January 2008. A teenage girl is found hanged in her room. While everything points to suicide, the autopsy report reveals something else. Ten years later, the director and cousin of the teenager examine the past causes and future consequences of this unsolved crime. Like an imagined biography, the film will explore the relationship between the security of the living space and the violence that can jeopardize it.
/Catherine Reitman
加拿大CBC新喜剧《上班族妈妈》是一部典型的女性剧,女人是否能拥有想要的一切?对这些上班族妈妈来说,有些时候她们的确能心想事成,但有些时候……一事无成。该剧将深入剖析当代的「妈妈文化」,主人公Kate(Catherine Reitman)和Anne(Dani Kind)已经做了一辈子朋友。Kate是个温和、务实的公关经理,Anne则是个严肃的心理医生。她们在一个妈妈互助小组中遇到了可爱但胆怯的Jenny(Jessalyn Wanlim)和生活混乱的Frankie(Juno Rinaldi)。四个女人很快组成闺蜜小圈子,并且建立起不靠谱的友谊。该剧将展现这四个都市妈妈最原始、最真实的一面,展现她们的爱情、事业和为母之道。她们要面对讨厌的同事、永远不知满足的孩子、产后抑郁症,甚至性欲的「第二春」,但她们选择用幽默和尊严来度过每一天
/Catherine Reitman
加拿大CBC新喜剧《上班族妈妈》是一部典型的女性剧,女人是否能拥有想要的一切?对这些上班族妈妈来说,有些时候她们的确能心想事成,但有些时候……一事无成。该剧将深入剖析当代的「妈妈文化」,主人公Kate(Catherine Reitman)和Anne(Dani Kind)已经做了一辈子朋友。Kate是个温和、务实的公关经理,Anne则是个严肃的心理医生。她们在一个妈妈互助小组中遇到了可爱但胆怯的Jenny(Jessalyn Wanlim)和生活混乱的Frankie(Juno Rinaldi)。四个女人很快组成闺蜜小圈子,并且建立起不靠谱的友谊。该剧将展现这四个都市妈妈最原始、最真实的一面,展现她们的爱情、事业和为母之道。她们要面对讨厌的同事、永远不知满足的孩子、产后抑郁症,甚至性欲的「第二春」,但她们选择用幽默和尊严来度过每一天
/Mars Horodyski,Aleysa Young
加拿大CBC新喜剧《上班族妈妈》是一部典型的女性剧,女人是否能拥有想要的一切?对这些上班族妈妈来说,有些时候她们的确能心想事成,但有些时候……一事无成。 该剧将深入剖析当代的「妈妈文化」,主人公Kate(Catherine Reitman)和Anne(Dani Kind) 已经做了一辈子朋友。Kate是个温和、务实的公关经理,Anne则是个严肃的心理医生。她们在一个妈妈互助小组中遇到了可爱但胆怯的Jenny(Jessalyn Wanlim)和生活混乱的Frankie(Juno Rinaldi)。四个女人很快组成闺蜜小圈子,并且建立起不靠谱的友谊。该剧将展现这四个都市妈妈最原始、最真实的一面,展现她们的爱情、事业和为母之道。她们要面对讨厌的同事、永远不知满足的孩子、产后抑郁症,甚至性欲的「第二春」,但她们选择用幽默和尊严来度过每一天。
在一个宁静的日子里,天之川高中“假面骑士部”的如月弦太朗(福士苍汰 饰)、歌星贤吾(高桥龙辉 饰)、城岛悠木(清水富美加 饰)正享受他们无忧无虑的校园生活。某天,他们突然被前外太空技术开发机构(OSTO)的继任组织OSTO Legacy本部长秘书白山静(木下亚由美 饰)召唤。原来两个Alicia开发的宇宙铁人地龙和天龙拥有自我意识,正抓紧研制超重力炮卫星兵器XVII,极大威胁着地球乃至宇宙的安全。在前往本部的途中,他们遭到Alicia联邦的女间谍因娜•布林克(原干惠 饰)以及宇宙铁人暗黑骑士的袭击,双方爆发一场激烈混战。前所未有和扑朔迷离的战局,假面骑士Fourze面临最严峻的挑战…… 本片为“假面骑士”系列40周年纪念作品。
Brother's Blood takes place on the mean streets of a city in decay, where a recently released convict begins to take murderous revenge against his childhood friends, whom he believes let him take the fall for a crime they collectively committed. As the bodies start piling up, one of the friends, now a cop, will stop at nothing to put an end to the murderous rampage and to right the many wrongs of their tragically violent past.
故事发生在马里兰州切萨皮克湾(Chesapeake Shores)沿岸地区的一座小镇,O’Brien三兄弟亲手设计并创立了这座小镇,这个爱尔兰裔美国家庭也因此成为当地最重要的势力。然而因为内部矛盾加剧,这个家庭最终四分五裂。多年之后,一家人再次团聚,但他们不得不回忆过去的痛苦经历,同时面对难以确定的未来。他们很快发现,学会融洽相处是一件非常重要的事情。 Abby O’Brien(Meghan Ory)是个雷厉风行的职业女性,离了婚,独自带着一对双胞胎女儿生活。她从纽约回到家乡切萨皮克湾探亲,这迫使她再次面对自己的过去——包括她的高中恋人Trace(Jesse Metcalfe)、顽固古板的父亲Mick(Treat Williams)、受人尊敬的祖母Nell(Diane Ladd)。Abby意识到自己的职业令她无法做一个合格的母亲,于是她考虑永久留在家乡。
Jude, a college literature professor, falls for one of his students. She is more interested in the empirical experience of a relationship with a man whose life is ruled by the themes of the Russian Lit. he extolls in class. Jude shows an interesting side of the stigmas associated with transgenerational relationships and how to deal with the inevitable pain of a love doomed to failure.
故事发生在基特里奇总督学校中,詹姆斯(威廉·赫特 William Hurt 饰)是在这里任教的教师。凭借着自己特立独行的教学手段,詹姆斯很快就获得了学生的好感和同事的信任,对于在这里的平静生活,詹姆斯本人亦十分满意。 萨拉(玛丽·玛特琳 Marlee Matlin 饰)曾经是这所学校的学生,毕业后,她几经辗转,回到了此地当起了清洁工。因为生理的残疾,萨拉个性孤僻,但这反而吸引了詹姆斯的注意,他主动接近莉兹,希望莉兹能够重拾自信继续学习深造。随着时间的推移,莉兹对于詹姆斯的态度从一开始的及其抗拒转而变成了略有好感,她的性格开始慢慢转变,和詹姆斯的距离也原来越近。可就在这时,新的问题又出现了。