这部《罗杰和我》是Moore在89年拍的,那时候他老家密执安州的FLINT镇,因为通用汽车公司大幅裁员而全面衰败,他拍这个片子不是为了拯救他们镇,而是拿来质问大企业,用事实撕开他们的正人君子的假象。罗杰是Roger Smith,当时通用汽车的大头头。 一部非常成功的记录片,非常流畅,不像别的片子,你可以随时按下“暂停”去接个电话或者把烧开水的灶关了。这种一气呵成的节奏,让人觉得片子一点儿也不烦闷,看得很有情绪。 Moore一直在找罗杰,但是罗杰根本就不给他机会见着、其实也根本不在乎他,于是全片就一直在Moore的“追访罗杰”的情节下被贯穿起来。虽然他最后终于在某次活动里终于让罗杰曝了光,对方还是没有说出来啥,但是这已经足够了。 另外两个连贯全片的人物,一个是负责EVICTION的政府代理人,另一个是普通的养家畜为生的下岗女工。EVICTION这份工作,以前在一部荷兰电影《CHARACTER》里面见过,像我们在红旗下长大的都难以想象的职业,就是把拖欠房租的家庭,从房子里“逐出”。听起来像两三百年前工业革命那年头的事儿吧?其实这活儿一直都存在着。那老兄一贯穿着风衣但是没法儿像发哥那么酷,是个有点儿臃肿的中年黑人,他不说什么狠话,只是事务性地安排下岗缴不出房租的人搬走。有的家人大吵大闹,他也是很低调地等人消气了再说一句,“你碰上了我算你的福气,起码还有个人和你讲理”。 在家里养家畜的那位女士,看起来还是非常成熟自立有爱心的,下岗以后除了一点儿有限的福利补贴,她就靠着这个生意过活。她养的兔子,既可以当宠物也可以作食用,完全由客人自己决定。Moore刚开始去的时候她还有戒心,怕是来检查卫生的。后来几次就越来越乐意接受采访和拍摄。直到有一次,她表演了亲手杀死一只兔子,而且很利索地剥了皮,而一分钟之前,她还在把这只兔子抱在怀里嬉戏。 记录片不一定是客观的,就像这一部。Moore对通用肯定有个人恩怨,他用不着掩饰这个。他要做的事儿是,战术性地压抑自己的愤怒,用专业精神制作一部人们愿意看的悲剧性现实影片。我觉得他挺成功的。
马尔科姆(沙美克·摩尔 Shameik Moore 饰)是一位决心不走寻常路的高中生,形式高调又异常古怪的他常常会成为众人眼中的怪胎,因此受到欺负和孤立,日子很不好过。对于马尔科姆来说,能够平平安安的度过高中的最后一个学年就是自己最大的心愿。 马尔科姆偷偷喜欢着名为纳吉亚(佐伊·克拉维兹 Zoe Kravitz 饰)的美丽姑娘,然而他甚至自己配不上对方,只能将这份感情埋藏在心底。某日,马尔科姆得知纳吉亚将要前往一个毒贩所举办的派对上游玩,于是亦紧随其后,哪知道却在误打误撞之中被卷入了毒品交易的黑暗漩涡中无法自拔,不仅惹上了杀身之祸,还不得不过起了东躲西藏的颠沛生活。
这季将讲到原作小说第5-9本的内容,也将“比第一季更复杂、野心更大”。紧接上季结尾,三姐弟被银行家Poe寄存在普鲁弗洛克预备学校,等待合适监护人,他们会遇见奇葩的同学Carmelita Spats。而尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯饰演的大坏蛋欧拉夫伯爵,会伪装成欧洲拍卖商Günther来到学校。
This new feature-length biographical film tells the extraordinary and dramatic story of the planet's most famous living scientist, told for the first time in his own words and by those closest to him. Made with unique access to his private life, this is an intimate and moving journey into Stephen Hawking's past and present. Interviewees include Stephen Hawking's sister Mary, his ex-wife Jane, carers and students, as well as colleagues such as Roger Penrose, plus Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Jim Carrey, and Sir Richard Branson This inspirational portrait of an iconic figure relates Hawking's incredible personal journey from boyhood underachiever to scientific genius and multi-million-selling author. And it charts how he overcame being diagnosed with motor neurone disease - and being given just two years to live - to make amazing scientific discoveries and become a symbol of triumph over adversity. Born exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo, Hawking grew up in a family some regarded as eccentric. Always asking questions, he was nicknamed 'Einstein' at school. Hawking blossomed at Oxford, although he only spent an hour a day studying. He noticed that he was becoming clumsy and fell over for no apparent reason. He was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, but nevertheless started a family and embarked on his academic career, finding himself at the heart of a searing scientific debate about the origins of the universe. And as he lost the use of his body, Hawking had to find new ways to think. He went on to write the huge bestseller A Brief History of Time, and the film reveals the high and lows of his resulting fame and fortune.
福克纳上校(理查德·伯顿 Richard Burton 饰)受雇于著名银行家爱德华爵士(斯图尔特·格兰杰 Stewart Granger 饰),要去解救非洲自由斗士林班尼(Winston Ntshona 饰),然而,私下里,爱德华爵士和独裁者切恩有一个秘密的交易,要以林班尼来交换非洲某国的铜矿开采权。 被蒙在鼓里的福克纳上校召集了昔日战友,组建了一支战斗力极强的敢死队,命名为野鹅敢死队,在经过了一系列紧张的训练后,一行人踌躇满志地踏上了他们的“战场”。在成功解救林班尼,准备撤离之时,福克纳上校却发现他们被本来该来接应的运输机放了鸽子。聪明的福克纳上校很快就明白了究竟发生了什么,现在最重要的,就是生存下去。
Netflix为喜剧《Atypical》开绿灯,本剧由Robia Rashid和Seth Gordon制作执导,Jennifer Jason Leigh、Keir Gilchrist和Michael Rapaport加盟出演,将于今年晚些时候在洛杉矶开始制作。 本剧由R ashid创作编剧18岁的自闭症患者Sam(Gilchrist 饰)找寻爱和独立的故事。他有趣但痛苦的自我发现之旅让他的家庭重新思考人生:什么才叫正常?Leigh饰演他的母亲Elsa,她也在她的自我发现旅途中;Rapaport饰演他的父亲Doug。Brigette Lundy-Paine饰演Sam的妹妹Casey,Amy Okuda饰演Sam的治疗师Julia。 Gordon将执导本剧的第一集,也将和 Rashid及Mary Rohlich一起担任执行制片人。
影片是根据英国著名戏剧家克里斯多夫.马罗的同名戏剧改编。 16世纪的英格兰国王冷落王后,竟然公开地和自己的同性爱人展开种种惊世骇俗的爱恋行为,使得整个王国的统治陷于崩溃,面临瓦解。有先见之明的王后最后使出心狠手辣的毒招,阻止了这场灾难的来临 用“高度概念化”来形容这部影片仍不能确切表达它的复杂性。Jarman以现代性别政治的眼光改写了16世纪Christopher Marlowe的戏剧。 故事围绕Edward国王公开的同性恋行为展开,并不是发生在奢华的历史环境中,影片场景使用了光秃秃的墙壁,肮脏的地板,演员也身穿时髦装束。Jarman还充分发掘了Marlowe原作中所有同性恋的潜台词,并将其作为表达重点。他使用了原作的对白,但将这个戏剧性的故事与当代对同性恋的压制及同性恋者的抗争混合在一起。影片没有确切的时代,多数时间里各个年代的情形交错在一起。
David, now an old man, is still king of Israel. Among his sons, the ambitious Adonijah and the clever Solomon. The two young men are fierce rivals, since both are prospective heirs to the throne and only one can be successful. During a hunting expedition, Adonijah challenges his younger brother Solomon to a chariot race. While Solomon, though brave, still retains a modicum of caution, the daredevil Adonijah is eager to win at all costs -- and loses control of his chariot. Solomon takes the seriously injured Adonijah back to Jerusalem. On the way there they meet the attractive Abishag, who despite her youth is versed in the use of healing herbs. She actually succeeds in helping the prince. Adonijah falls in love with Abishag -- but Bathsheba arranges things so that she works for David, hoping that her youth, her beauty and her healing powers will soothe the old king's suffering. Several members of the influential priesthood and also the respected army general Joab, who served David loyally for many years, support Adonijah's claim to the throne-- even though David has still not made any decision with regard to a potential successor. The battle-experienced Joab regards Solomon as an indecisive weakling, under whose leadership the kingdom would soon fall apart. When the prophet Nathan finds out about Adonijah's conspiracy he informs Bathsheba and Solomon, who urge David to take immediate action. And so it comes to pass that preparations to anoint the future king of Israel are made both at the Spring of Enrogel, where Adonijah and his men are encamped, as well as in Jerusalem. The festive procession for Adonijah has already been assembled and the people enticed with delicious delicacies to cheer him on, when the news of Solomon's coronation reaches Enrogel. The people promptly acknowledge the will of King David and stream off to Jerusalem in their hordes to greet Solomon, their future ruler. Adonijah remains behind with a handful of loyal followers. He realizes that he has lost -- for the time being. Humbly he places his life in his brother's hands. Adonijah is forgiven on one condition: that he always remains loyal to his brother Solomon. The great King David is dead, and his son Solomon has succeeded him as the rightful ruler of Israel. Adonijah now has a request to make of Bathsheba: he wants to marry Abishag. Solomon hears about this seemingly innocent wish, and recognizes it as a renewed ploy on behalf of his brother to reclaim the throne -- Adonijah's marriage to the last woman to share King David's bed would strengthen his political position considerably. Solomon knows that he has to act quickly and decisively if he is to secure his own power. He has his brother Adonijah and the latter's closest associate Joab executed. After this radical decision, Solomon withdraws to present sacrifices. In a dream the Lord appears to him and grants him the fulfillment of a wish, whatever it may be. Solomon merely asks for wisdom -- in order to become a good ruler and judge. War with Egypt is looming. To arm his kingdom against the territorial ambitions of its powerful neighbors, Solomon not only introduces several reforms but also decides to marry the daughter of the pharaoh. The Egyptian princess does not remain Solomon's only wife, however: as time goes by the king marries numerous noble women from many different countries for political and economic reasons. In this way he preserves peace for his people, and creates great prosperity. By allowing the women to continue practicing their domestic customs and religious rituals in Jerusalem as well, he comes into regular conflict with the priesthood, who see the foreign religions as endangering Israel's sole covenant with the Lord. The wisdom granted to Solomon by God becomes fully evident when the king sits in judgment. One day two harlots each claim to be mother of the same baby. Solomon's decision seems utterly cruel: he says that the child should be cut in two so that each woman receives half. Solomon can now determine who the real mother is from her reaction: she will not allow her child to be harmed. Solomon hands the child back to its true mother amid cheers of approval. One of the most important tasks handed down to Solomon by his father David is building the great Temple to house the Ark of the Covenant. It has to be larger and more magnificent than all other temples in the world, and Solomon now sets about fulfilling his father's wish. He places Jeroboam in charge of the Israelite workers as chief overseer. Seven years later, the work is completed. The expensive construction materials have been brought from far-off lands, and the people of Israel have paid exceedingly high taxes without complaint in order to finance the construction work. The Ark of the Covenant can now finally be taken to the Temple in a triumphant procession. After so many years of wandering, the Israelites' most sacred possession now has a fixed home of its own. People stream to Jerusalem from across the entire country to celebrate the great day. Abishag, now married, comes too and brings her family. Solomon has decided to mingle among the people in disguise, and he and Abishag are overjoyed when they accidentally meet again after so many years. The Temple makes Jerusalem and its king famous throughout the world. Even the dark-skinned Queen of Sheba sets off with a large retinue to visit the wise and cultivated Solomon and admire his magnificent city. The admiration turns out to be mutual: Solomon, captivated by her beauty, falls deeply in love with her. The two of them have a child, Menelik, but one day the Queen of Sheba decides to leave. She does not want Menelik to be deprived of the regal dignity awaiting him in his home country. Solomon stays behind, with a heavy heart. The king has now achieved everything he set his heart on, but with the passing of the years the wise Solomon gradually becomes a melancholy, skeptical old man who regularly questions his very existence. Material things seem to represent the only reality for him. He also refuses to adopt any kind of steady policy, especially in religious matters. With his foreign wives, Solomon sacrifices to foreign gods, and this incurs the wrath of the priesthood. The loyal Jeroboam appeals to his king's conscience, but to no avail. During one of Solomon's sorties in disguise among his people, a simple farmer reminds him of the first of the Ten Commandments revealed by the Lord to Moses: "You shall have no other gods before me." At another decisive moment, God Himself speaks to Solomon and announces the punishment for his sinfulness: the kingdom will collapse after Solomon's death. The king has grown old and weary. He has lost touch with the people of Israel, who are suffering from heavy taxation and forced labor. Solomon has treated his long-standing companion Jeroboam, to whom he entrusted the administration of the northern tribes, with murderous anger ever since a prophet predicted the division of the kingdom to him. The king no longer has the strength to change things -- he just leaves them as they are. The consequences of this become clear shortly after his death. Solomon's son and successor Rehoboam treats the country's leaders with arrogance, and provokes the division of the kingdom into two parts: the only tribe still loyal to him is that of Judah, while all the others unite under Jeroboam. The prophecy has been fulfilled. The kingdom that Solomon received from his father David, and invested with such might and magnificence, is now divided.
影片最早名为《饿兔子跳》,早在2009年就已摄制完成,但因为种种原因被一直拖延。 中学教师威尔(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)与妻子劳拉(詹纽瑞·琼斯 January Jones 饰)生活安稳而平静。但一切在劳拉遭到强奸后被改变了。威尔对嫌犯一无所知,而神秘人西蒙(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)突然出现,称可以替威尔免费收拾对方,只要日后帮一个小忙。第二天,强奸犯就被发现自杀于家中,威尔感觉十分震惊。不多日,威尔接到指示,需要完成一件跟踪任务。完成任务后,本以为日后就可以可以相安无事,却不料西蒙要求他将另外一名嫌犯瓦尔恰克从天桥上推下,伪造成自杀。威尔拒绝执行,遭到西蒙以劳拉的性命作为威胁。无奈威尔只能答应,不料瓦尔恰克在与他的争斗中不幸坠桥身亡。瓦尔恰克死后,威尔遭到警察的拘捕,惊闻死者是报社记者阿兰。威尔逃离的警局开始亡命天涯,也在为寻求真相而努力......
/Tim Eldred,Jeff Allen
惊奇漫画公司给予的标题是世上最强英雄组合原创的复仇者成员为蚁人(ant man),黄蜂侠,雷神索尔(thor),钢铁侠(iron man)以及绿巨人浩克(The Hulk)。然而由一开始复仇者的成员名单便不断的更动,复仇者第二期中浩克就离队改由美国队长(Captain America)加入。不断更改的成员名单已成为复仇者的特点,但一个主题从未更改过,那就是复仇者专与单一超级英雄无法应付的敌人作战,也是他们著名战呼复仇者集合!的由来。 复仇者集结不是电影复仇者联盟之后的续集,两者根本不是一个世界观的,其中主角有钢铁侠,雷神,浩克,美国队长,鹰眼(Hawkeye),黑寡妇(Black Widow)。反派有红骷髅(red skull),毁灭博士(Dr。Doom),杀人脑(M。O。D。O。K),海煞(Attuma),德库拉(dracula),亥伯龙(hyperion)等。
/Tim Eldred,Jeff Allen,埃里克·拉多姆斯基,Micah Gunnell
1962年10月14日,一则由飞临古巴上空U-2侦察机所拍摄照片中透露的情报信息,引发了一场当时世界两大超级大国美国与苏联之间的空前危机。美国情报官员在这组情报资料中发现,苏联正在距离佛罗里达不到150公里的古巴首都哈瓦那西南的圣克利斯托瓦尔修建基地,部署中短程导弹和运 载核武器的伊尔-28重型轰炸机,这些导弹足以摧毁全美各大城市并且造成重大伤亡。全美上下陷入极度恐慌之中,也将整个世界推向了核灾难的边缘。总统约翰·肯尼迪(布鲁斯·格林伍德 Bruce Greenwood 饰)和其弟罗伯特·肯尼迪(斯蒂文·卡普Steven Culp 饰)沉着应对这场一触即发的核战危机,影片透过白宫高级特别助理肯尼斯·奥唐纳(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)之眼,再现了危机重重的惊天十三日。
刚从监狱释放出来的Tom Joad (亨利·方达 Henry Fonda饰)回到俄克拉荷马的家的时候却发现原来的家里已经空无一人,打听之下才从农民Jim Casy(约翰·卡拉丁 John Carradine饰)口中得知,随着工业的发展,当地的农民们都被迫离开该地。Tom和Jim在Tom的叔父家里找到了Tom的家人,一家人决定到加利福尼亚去寻找新的工作。一家人把所有的行李都放在一辆卡车上便出发了。路上,Tom的祖母去世了。他们发现了一个地方,专门召集像他们这样的人在那里工作,他们在那里安顿了下来。然而Jim却意外死亡,Tom为了给他报仇也杀了人,只能匆匆逃亡。一家人只能离开,去寻找下一个安身的地方,无家可归的农民们到底路在何方..... 本片改编自斯坦贝克的同名小说,获1941年奥斯卡最佳导演奖。