本剧从原子弹的研制和几十年后核武器的急剧扩散讲起,追溯了冷战历史,从苏联解体讲到弗拉基米尔·普京的崛起,再到俄乌战争。 《转折点:原子弹与冷战》在全球7个国家进行了100多次采访,揭示了深层次的个人故事,展示了冷战如何改变了人们的生活,推动了世界历史。从广岛原子弹的幸存者到在乌克兰、德国和一些前苏联共和国进行的大量拍摄,该剧集包括对七位现任或前任世界领导人的采访,其中包括乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基,以及著名的政治人物,如北约秘书长延斯·斯托尔滕贝格、前中央情报局局长罗伯特·盖茨和前国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯。该剧集还介绍了冷战时期的关键人物,包括帮助推倒柏林墙的著名德国抗议领袖朱利叶斯·罗森堡和艾瑟尔·罗森堡的儿子,并涉及对核活动人士丹尼尔·艾斯伯格进行的最后几次长篇采访之一,艾斯伯格称美国的机密核计划是“制度性疯狂”。这部九集纪录片探索了美苏之间长达数十年的冲突,以时事为背景,清楚地表明冷战的影响仍然延续至今。
出品四届艾美奖最佳影集《广告狂人》、两届艾美奖最佳影集《绝命毒师》、艾美奖提名作品《谋杀》和金球奖最佳影集提名及北美最高收视作品《行尸走肉》的金奖电视网AMC带来全新自制影集《逆转奇兵》,呈现充满背叛、险象迭生的独立战争岁月中,主角亚伯拉罕伍胡透过与儿时玩伴合作建立美国第一支间谍网络——库珀团的心路历程。 在第一季的结尾,亚伯使出浑身解数,在信仰之战与家庭崩塌间艰难地寻求平衡点。在寄宿于家中的英军意外发现亚伯效忠于华盛顿的间谍身份后,亚伯被迫将他杀害,并将自己的家付之一炬以掩盖谋杀案。第二季将聚焦荣耀、背叛、逆转交织的影子战争中,英勇智慧的华盛顿间谍如何与狡诈的乔治三世密探展开刀不血刃的隐秘较量。 第二季开篇中,爱国军团面临战役的惨败,令费城落入英方手中。华盛顿的队伍人心涣散,血流成河,他本人不仅处境艰难,还要面对来自军队内部的叛徒和自己胸膛中的心魔。在那段黑暗的岁月中,华盛顿最亲密的战友、声名远扬的指挥官本尼迪克特·阿诺德对其的不满与日俱增,势将攸关革命事业的成败。 在费城战役后,无论是军队人数还是枪械装备均落后于英军的独立军将领华盛顿将他的全部希望寄托在库珀团,这只流淌着年轻血液的羽翼未干的民间间谍组织身上,而其中的灵魂人物——亚伯伍胡——已然孤军深入到了敌人战线的背后。他已经所剩无几,并愿意为了独立事业付出仅存的一切——包括他的灵魂。 改编自Alexander Rose的报告文学, 《逆转奇兵》由AMC工作室承制,,《尼基塔》Craig Silverstein执笔撰写剧本,《识骨寻踪》/《魔法奇缘》Barry Josephson担任执行制作人。全剧星光熠熠,囊括《舞出我天地》、《硫磺岛的家书》、《雪国列车》主演、BAFTA影帝杰米贝尔、Seth Numrich 、Daniel Henshall、Heather Lind、 Meegan Warner 、Kevin R. McNally、Burn Gorman 、 Angus Macfadyen 、J.J.菲尔德、Samuel Roukin、Ian Kahn 、Ksenia Solo、Owain Yeoman、Nick Westrate 、Stephen Root和dara Victor参与演出。 去年春季档与HBO影集《冰与火之歌:权力游戏》正面对抗并取得最高A18-49:0.4的骄人收视成绩后,今年的《逆转奇兵》将接档《绝命律师》进入AMC全新周一黄金档,于美东时间4月13日晚上9时推出两小时特别首播。
Courage the Cowardly Dog follows the story of the life of a little pink cowardly dog who was named Courage when he was found by Muriel. When he was a baby, one of his vet appointments ended being the last time he saw his dog parents. During that day, while the yet made baby Courage wait in the waiting room, he sent his parents up into space. Then Courage ended up on the streets. Afterwards, a lady named Muriel found Courage and took him home to her home in the middle of Nowhere, Kansas, with her mean, rude, and cranky husband, Eustace Bagge. Courage is always on the watch since creepy, scary, and paranormal events happen in Nowhere, but Courage is always ready to save Muriel and kick some villain, monster, alien, or zombie butts! GO COURAGE! Written by CourageBagge {courage1999@bellsouth.net}
《吹哨人:美国体操队性侵丑闻追踪》跟随《印第安纳波利斯星报》记者的脚步,调查全国最著名的奥运机构之一,美国体操协会的性侵指控。两年后,一名奥运会的医生锒铛入狱,美国国会开始追责,数百名事件亲历者纷纷发声。 这部令人既震惊又振奋的影片揭露了精英体操界残酷的潜规则,同时记录了向机构抗争的律师,以及最重要的 — 那些拒绝保持沉默的勇敢吹哨人。他们与体制抗争,并取得了胜利。
In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.
Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade. The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. In the film, Sir David Attenborough says: "In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”
/Ryan Suffern
FINDING OSCAR is a feature length documentary about the search for justice in the devastating case of the Dos Erres massacre in Guatemala. That search leads to the trail of two little boys who were plucked from a nightmare and offer the only living evidence that ties the Guatemalan government to the massacre.
/Peter Galison
Black holes stand at the limit of what we can know. To explore that edge of knowledge, the Event Horizon Telescope links observatories across the world to simulate an earth-sized instrument. With this tool the team pursues the first-ever picture of a black hole, resulting in an image seen by billions of people in April 2019. Meanwhile, Hawking and his team attack the black hole paradox at the heart of theoretical physics-Do predictive laws still function, even in these massive distortions of space and time? Weaving them together is a third strand, philosophical and exploratory using expressive animation. "Edge" is about practicing science at the highest level, a film where observation, theory, and philosophy combine to grasp these most mysterious objects.
【简 介】: 武田信玄是一位位于战国时代正中央走过的大名。在这场战乱中,以武田信玄,上杉谦信,织田信长,德川家康,今川义元等大名为了天下而争霸战斗的故事。 大河剧是日本NHK电视台每年1部的大型历史连续剧,以豪华的制作阵容和顶级明星的出演而备受瞩目。2005的大河剧是泷泽秀明主演的《义经》,2006年的大河剧是仲间由纪惠主演的《功名如辻》。 日本NHK电视台9月5日正式宣布,该台2007年的大河剧将拍摄日本战国时期武田世家故事《风林火山》。 《风林火山》改编自日本著名小说家井上靖的同名历史小说,讲述了日本战国时期雄踞一方的甲州霸主武田信玄及其军师山本勘助的故事,展现了一段关于权力、梦想、爱恨与战乱错综纠葛的历史片段。 报道说,2007年适逢井上靖诞辰100周年,为了纪念这位日本著名小说家,NHK电视台特决定拍摄该剧。《风林火山》也将成为自1969年的《天与地》、1988年的《武田信玄》后,NHK第3度拍摄的关于武田世家的大河剧。 【剧情简介】: 「风林火山」原作小说于昭和30年(1955年)発表。2007 年是其作者井上靖生诞100 年。 为纪念这位著名文学家而拍摄。该剧也是NHK大河剧历史上第三次把战国武田家搬上荧幕。戦国时代乱世、最强军団甲州武田军。其军旗为「风林火山」。这是由古代中国的军略家・孙子的四如真言为基础制作的。武田军孤高之军师·山本勘助,勘助为武田信玄实现霸业倾其一生,最后在川中岛大合戦战死。梦想与野望、爱与憎、阴谋与阳谋。尽在NHK2007大河剧第46作「风林火山」。
在哪里才有家的感觉?在施塔特阿伦多夫这个有着复杂的排斥和融合外国人历史的德国城市,和蔼可亲的老师迪特·巴赫曼帮助他的学生们体会家的感觉。这些学生年龄在12到14岁之间,来自12个不同的国家,有些人还没有完全掌握德语。在退休之前,老师希望激发这些未来公民对不同工作领域、主题、文化和生活方式的好奇心。看完这部引人入胜、让人感同身受的纪录片,让人不由自主地意识到,如果所有的孩子都能有幸拥有这样高情感、有耐心的老师,冲突就能通过讨论得到缓解,约翰·列侬的"想象"就能成为现实。导演玛丽亚·斯佩德和摄影师Reinhold Vorschneider向人们展示了教育不仅是重要的,而且可以是一个壮观的过程-并将其精彩地呈现在舞台上,以至于电影本身几乎具有了某种英雄气概。
为庆祝 2021 年世界地球日 ,Apple TV+ 将首播原创纪录片特辑《这一年,地球变得不一样》,由获得艾美奖及 BAFTA 奖项的 David Attenborough 担任旁白。 《这一年,地球变得不一样》展示世界各地历经史无前例的一年之后所拍摄的独家影片,这部贴近时事的纪录片,不但以全新手法描绘全球大封锁的局面,也带大家看见许多由此而生的正向故事。沉寂的城市传来鸟鸣、鲸鱼有了新沟通方式、水豚出没于南美洲郊区,世界各地的人都有机会以前所未见的方式接触大自然。在一小时的特辑中,观众将看见人类的行为改变可为大自然带来实实在在的影响。诸如减少邮轮交通、每年关闭沙滩数日、找出人类和野生动物和谐共处的方法等,都是影响因素。这部由 David Attenborough 讲述旁白的纪录片,是一封献给地球的暖心情书,著重呈现大自然的复甦能为未来带来光明希望。《这一年,地球变得不一样》由 BBC Studios Natural History Unit 製作,Tom Beard 执导,Mike Gunton 及 Alice Keens-Soper 担任执行製作。
/Michael Harte
Britain’s most notorious serial killer, Dennis Nilsen, confessed to killing 15 people in 1983. Over a five-year period, he picked up vulnerable young men, lured them back to his home and strangled them, before disposing of their bodies under the floorboards. The truth about how and why he killed has been the subject of much speculation in books and documentaries over the decades since. Now, with unique access to a wealth of personal archive left in his cell after his death, including over 250 hours of never-before-published cassette tapes of his private recordings, this film will take us into Nilsen’s world. From a young boy growing up in a quiet Scottish fishing village to a cold-blooded murderer prowling the streets of London. Set against the backdrop of 1980s Britain, when mass unemployment drew young men to London in search of their fortunes, only to find themselves destitute and easy prey, and weaving together interviews from police, journalists, survivors, bereaved families, and - for the first time - the killer’s own voice, this feature length documentary explores how Nilsen was able to get away with multiple murders and attacks, unchallenged, for five years.