/Cho Kyoung-ho
A once promising baseball star is constantly hunted by two hitmen when a young boy asks him to sell his baseball jacket. A high school student acquires a sleep control device to help him with his exams, and ends up getting more acquainted with the seller in the process. A prison guard buys a guitar and plays one last song with a rock band after he finds out that his number has been called up… to be an executioner. An English tutor and amateur journalist investigating a murder case makes an offer to gain information on the involvement of … a once promising baseball star. GOOD DEAL is a woven tapestry of the interconnected lives of people striving through the day-to-day of contemporary Korean society. Quite a spectrum of themes are covered: romance, crime, sports, famly, work, and even Russian literature! As each of its characters seek to make a “deal” with another person to help them stay ahead or even stay alive, they find their interactions much more involved and complex than they first thought. Written and directed by Cho Kyuong-ho, the film mixes wickedly dark humor and sincere sentimentality through its interwoven yet still seamlessly linear style of storytelling.
最高学历只有高中鉴定考试,外语能力全无、特长全无、技能全无的张克莱(任时完 饰),孤独的人生里除了围棋一无所长。少年时因为家庭变故,报考韩国棋院研究生落选后,一直自暴自弃、碌碌无为。在26岁还在打零工的他,凭借关系空降进入综合贸易公司变成营业3组的一名实习生。入职第一天的张克莱连复印机都不会使用,接电话这种小事也要求助同是实习生的安英依(姜素拉 饰)。初入职场的他面对周围外语水平一流、工作能力卓越的同事们,马上被巨大挫折感包围,觉得自己格格不入、无地自容。同时,张克莱空降兵的特殊身份曝光后,马上受到了同期实习生们的质疑和排挤。顶头上司营业3组的吴科长(李圣旻 饰)也对张克莱的身份耿耿于怀。这让张克莱认识到一无所有的自己,唯有比所有人都要努力才能在这里生存下去…… 本片根据尹泰浩作家的同名网络漫画改编,该漫画被称为“工薪阶层教科书”。
最高学历只有高中鉴定考试,外语能力全无、特长全无、技能全无的张克莱(任时完 饰),孤独的人生里除了围棋一无所长。少年时因为家庭变故,报考韩国棋院研究生落选后,一直自暴自弃、碌碌无为。在26岁还在打零工的他,凭借关系空降进入综合贸易公司变成营业3组的一名实习生。入职第一天的张克莱连复印机都不会使用,接电话这种小事也要求助同是实习生的安英依(姜素拉 饰)。初入职场的他面对周围外语水平一流、工作能力卓越的同事们,马上被巨大挫折感包围,觉得自己格格不入、无地自容。同时,张克莱空降兵的特殊身份曝光后,马上受到了同期实习生们的质疑和排挤。顶头上司营业3组的吴科长(李圣旻 饰)也对张克莱的身份耿耿于怀。这让张克莱认识到一无所有的自己,唯有比所有人都要努力才能在这里生存下去…… 本片根据尹泰浩作家的同名网络漫画改编,该漫画被称为“工薪阶层教科书”。
特战警备队大尉柳时镇(宋仲基 饰)与上士徐大荣(晋久 饰)休假之时遭遇激斗事件,送小偷去医院的时候,被主任医师姜暮烟(宋慧乔 饰)误会,也引得徐大荣的前女友尹明珠(金智媛 饰)突然出现,姜暮烟因此与柳时镇结缘,可是由于立场不同最终不欢而散。一次意外派遣,姜暮烟又与柳时镇相遇在战火频发的乌鲁克,作为海外医疗派遣队队长的姜暮烟与柳时镇无数次并肩作战,感情得到了升华。可是回国后姜暮烟面对柳时镇出生入死的工作又开始了新一轮担忧,与此同时,徐大荣与尹明珠的爱情也再次遇到了威胁。 《太阳的后裔》是韩国KBS电视台于2016年2月24日起播出的水木迷你连续剧,本剧为第一部中国与韩国同步播出的韩剧。