如何对心仪的他或她正确的表达出心中所想,且被成功接受,这是个困扰无数陷入爱情漩涡中男男女女的问题。而“大鼻子情圣恋爱操作团”则专门为应对这个问题而诞生。其创始人邴勋(严泰雄 饰)之前经营剧团,相信爱情也可以按照剧本有条不紊的进行。恋爱操作团接到的第一个任务被顺利完成。从打造男主角的形象,到摸清女主角的想法喜好,最终帮助男主角告白成功。一切都在设定的剧本里。紧接着,恋爱操作团迎来的另一位顾客尚勇(崔丹尼尔 饰),他心仪的女孩熙中(李敏贞 饰)恰巧是邴勋的前女友。于是难题展开,一方是自己的顾客,应该竭尽全力的服务;另一方面,看着自己的前女友和别人愈走愈近,邴勋心里很不是滋味。设定的剧本没有了存在的意义,原来恋爱无法操作…… 该片翻拍自法国同名电影《大鼻子情圣》,而其灵感则来自于法国作家罗斯丹的名剧。
本剧围绕着新村寄宿屋里一群从地方到首都念书的94届寄宿生展开。成娜静(高雅拉 饰)现年39岁,一盘录像带让她的思绪回到了1994年,回到了当年温馨热闹的寄宿屋。 1994年,成娜静就读于电脑工学系一年级,哥哥“垃圾”(郑宇 饰)是本科三年级医学生,他们一家四口从家乡搬到首尔,开了一家寄宿屋,专门给学生提供宿舍。“张国荣”、“三千浦”、“海太”、“喜滋滋”以及“七峰儿”等人逐一登场,寄宿屋越发热闹,娜静爸妈也希望在这些寄宿生中,找一个合适的女婿。 本剧由《请回答1997》制作班底申源浩导演和李有静编剧再度携手打造,故事背景设定在1994年的韩国首尔,本剧全面细致地重现了当年的流行文化,再次掀起怀旧热潮。
The film begins with the title Chorokbam filling the screen, which is amazing to see. This is the very moment at which the audience decides to trust this film without hesitation. In terms of how to fill and empty the square frame, the film is bold and skillful. Chorok, meaning green in English, is the color of fate in this movie. The problems of all the family members a hopeless father who works as a night guard, a mother who is completely exhausted with house works, a poor son who works for the disabled and their funeral ceremony are all dominated by the color, green. It is not bright or fancy but dark and scary in some sense. With attractive images and scenes, the film develops a series of worldly episodes of a family up to the level of poetic sentiment of blues and depression. (JUNG Hanseok)